Addaptron Software News
Addaptron Software Releases New Stock Market Software SMT1
Pre-Release Announcement
An updated version of Investment Analyzers InvAn-3 and InvAn-4 has been released. Some improvements have been made to Technical Analysis module. The list of existing indicators has been enriched by two new divergence-modified ones - Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD) indicators. These two indicators have been transformed to a slope of line and differentially-coupled with a price line slope. Indicators and price transformation to line slopes has been performed using Least Squares Linear Regression within a sliding 10-day period (moving window). This release also included some minor fixes that related to improved error processing. To keep your Investment Analyzer InvAn-3/4 up-to-date, visit Addaptron Software download page or use Update interface button.
A new 2011.04.18 version of Investment Analyzer InvAn-3/4 has been released. Among minor improvements, the updated version includes a few modifications to the fundamental data downloader that has been adjusted to the source changes. Also there was a bug related to adding a new record to the database; if more than one stock were added and sorted without saving, after closing and running again the program crashed due to the error in the database. Now this bug has been fixed. To update your InvAn-3/4, visit Addaptron Software download page or use Update interface button.
Due to requests from some users of SMAP-2/3 and NNSTP-2 tools, from now there is an option to disable input data validation. All our software tools always have been built with the variety of automatic features including input data checking. The validation module has a few filters to ensure that data satisfy basic requirements. For instance, a change of price in more than 10 times during two trading days in a row considered as invalid series data for statistical methods. With the validation turned on, the module rejects such data and informs a user about possible problem. It is recommended to use a default option with the validation On.
Investment Analyzer InvAn-3/4 has been updated to fix a date format compatibility issue for the latest MS Windows versions. This update is recommended for the users who live in the other regions than North America. To keep your software tools up-to-date, visit Addaptron Software download page for the latest updates.
SMAP-2/3 and NNSTP-2 software tools have been updated with minor improvements. New version allows narrowing input data (adjusting start or/and end dates) for calculations in a more convenient way. After opening selected file, users can narrow the period for further processing without using an additional button.
NNSTP-2 has been updated with a fixed minor bug. To keep your software tools up-to-date, visit Addaptron Software download page for the latest updates.
Stock Market Analyzer-Predictor SMAP-2/3 has been added an option to specify the type of input data - adjusted quotes (it is useful when a stock splits) or actual quotes without adjusting. Also now SMAP-3 allows managing the list of symbols and performing a forecast comparative analysis. A user can edit, delete, add symbols on the list, and download all files. The processed symbols output is sorted according to expected performance.
To update your tools, visit Addaptron Software download page or use Update interface button.
Addaptron Software has released an upgraded SMAP with an advanced feature to enable performing additional in-depth cycle analysis. Now users can decouple a solution period from historical data to compare it with unused data, customize spectrum lines, estimate statistical stability of each cycle, change units and scale for calculation and plotting, and print solution data.
A new SMAP-2 version has been released with a new feature and minor improvements. Now stock traders can use SMAP-2 for intraday data. To work with intraday data, users should copy own TXT-files into input subfolder for processing. As usually, EOD CSV-files are downloaded from the Internet. The software determines the format of files automatically (the format details of intraday TXT-files can be found in Users Manual).
SMAP-2 has been added an additional flexibility. The latest versions of SMAP-2 automatically re-distribute fitting sensitivity within historical period, since present data exert more influence on the future than past data. The program fits better the recent data rather than older data. The previous versions of SMAP-2 used some average value of present/past ratio weights. Now users have the option to tune an optimal value of this parameter in order to find the best prediction at particular conditions.
Addaptron Software released the updated version of InvAn-3/4 with minor improvements. Input fundamental data downloader has been adjusted to source changes. Also a minor bug has been fixed.
NNSTP-2 has been enriched by a new option. The new feature allows users to adjust (narrow) input historical period. It makes easier to find an optimal training cases number to minimize a back-testing deviation. After downloading or opening previously downloaded file, a user can narrow the period for further processing without downloading again the same file but with different period.
All-option users are welcome to update their software tools.
InvAn-3/4. Minor improvements. Input data downloader has been adjusted to source changes.
SMAP-2. Minor improvements including prediction accuracy.
NNSTP-2. A new upgraded neural network stock trend predictor has been released. The users of NNSTP-1 are recommended to upgrade their tools, since the development of NNSTP-1 has been discontinued. All-option users are eligible for free upgrade.
To renew your software, go to download page and follow the instruction.
A new version of InvAn-3 and InvAn-4 is available. Now InvAn has a new feature to predict prices of a selected stock (index) using pattern similarity. It searches for the best match from the internal database by scanning all historical data. The ranking of all possible matches is calculated on the basis of minimum deviation and maximum correlation within given historical period. Pattern matching is performed using open, high, low, and close prices and volume data. When scanning is completed, InvAn composes forecast using several best matched patterns (top ranked). The composite result is built as a weighted average with weights proportionally patterns' ranks. The forecast horizon can be chosen in a range of from one day to around three months. All-option users of Investment Analyzers are welcome to update their software.
Addaptron Software has released the updated versions of InvAn-3/4 and SMAP-2 with new features and improvements. All-option users are welcome to update the software. The major changes:
InvAn-3/4. The list of technical analysis indicators has been revised. A technical charts analysis has been added to the menu "Plotting". The chart analysis combined with Neural Network short-term (10-day) forecast with back testing. The forecast can be done on the basis of either one selected indicator or all available. To monitor conveniently the latest news from different sources, a new feature is now available - stock news viewer. In addition, the input data downloader has been adjusted to source changes.
SMAP-2. Now it has a back testing feature to estimate the predictability in prior time period. The accuracy of prediction has been improved due to auxiliary coherence auto-analysis of cycles. Also a minor bug has been fixed.
Addaptron Software developed and released a new product, NNSTP-1, neural network computer tool, to help stock traders in predicting a short-term price trend. It predicts future share prices or their percentage changes (can be chosen in settings menu) using Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN). NNSTP-1 operates automatically when creating the FNN, training it, and mapping to classify a new input vector. It has such features as sample / out-of-sample back testing and the composite forecast based on weighted average results from different input periods.
Addaptron Software released the updated versions of InvAn-3/4 and SMAP-2 with minor improvements. SMAP-2 has been enriched by the options for express and convenient operation with the software. The InvAn downloader of fundamental data has been adjusted to source changes. Also tool-tips for chart analysis have been added into both InvAn-3/4 and SMAP-2. All-option users are welcome to update their software.
Addaptron Software released an updated version of SMAP-2. One of the improvements is that annual-monthly-weekly cycles analysis became more accurate due to a non-trading days adjustment. Also the cycle charts now presented with extracted linear component.
A new 2008.08 version of InvAn-3 and InvAn-4 is now available. InvAn-3/4 have been enhanced by new two Viewer options - to display Cup-With-Handle pattern filter result in a convenient diagram form with highlighted area and to display correlation analysis result in a form with two curves - invested portfolio performance and each stock price change.
Now InvAn-4 users can choose one of two models for timing rating - "better price" or on the basis of Fourier analysis forecast. Also InvAn-4 has been empowered by one more option - an automatic one-button processing. It allows performing data diagnostics and most updates and calculations by using a configured scenario and only one click.
All-option version users can update their software without overwriting existing company-stock database.
A new 2008.06 version of InvAn-3 and InvAn-4 is now available. One of the improvements is that InvAn enabled to update fundamental data from the Internet automatically. Also a new option has been added to turn on an unknown factors adjustment for fundamental analysis rating model. As well other improvements have been made. All-option version users can update their InvAn without overwriting existing company-stock database.
Addaptron Software has developed and released a new product, Stock Market Analyzer-Predictor SMAP-2, a finder of optimal investing timing. It analyzes overall stock market and sectors' cycles, predicts overall stock market and sectors, defines the best time to buy and sell stocks, improves investment performance.
Minor improvement: InvAn has been complemented by an extra option in case if some users prefer to use their own CSV-files. Now <Input> menu has the additional item "Convert /INPUT/*.csv files into internal database". Minor bug fixed: Before when users deleted some record from C-database, the corresponding historical quotes CSV-file still remained in INPUT-subfolder. Now using the button "Delete Record" also cleans folder from unused file.
A new 2008.04 version of InvAn-3 and InvAn-4 is now available. It includes a few new features, such as, Cup-With-Handle pattern filter, correlation analysis for advanced portfolio management, sectors' ratings analysis (InvAn-4), and Viewer interface. Also overall improvements have been made.