Tag Archives: software


Addaptron Software released a new system, SMT2 (Stock Market Tools, release 2). SMT2 is intended for EOD traders with intermediate or advanced knowledge in the Stock Market trading and computer software. SMT2 is the next development of prediction and trading simulator systems. Previous version, SMT1, was the first generation of such software.

SMT2 provided with the access to a powerful server-side (cloud equipped with AI) prediction data of selected ETFs. Multi-model Forecast Module calculates the probability of future uptrend. This calculation is based on technical indicators signals, waves prediction, pattern filter, and cycles extrapolation. Using internal simulation results, AI decides how to interpret most relevant data.

The software is to trade the group of well-traded leveraged ETFs. Each ETF has inverse counterpart and represents different industries that allows finding a potential winner every day. The software predicts, simulates and optimizes trading performance to maximize overall return.

SMT2 has the following benefits:

  • AI forecast output is combined into a single prediction number which equals the probability of future uptrend. It enables investors/traders to use the software effortlessly.
  • The software predicts entry and exit prices that allows users just to place a limit buy or limit sell order for the next market day.
  • The software has a forecast history simulation functionality that allows users to maximize return by finding the best exits combination.
  • The software includes an extra feature to analyze a current position, track buy-sell transactions, and measure trading performance.
  • Since AI is able to optimize many settings parameters, the number of user-defined parameters is minimized so that users can save time.

The main differences between SMT2 and previous version SMT1:

  • SMT2 somewhat easier to use than SMT1
  • SMT2 has a slightly better prediction accuracy since all predictions and optimizations are performed on a special server where computing power exceeding a regular PC.
  • SMT2 forecast models are optimized for smaller stop-loss values and shorter holding periods. Therefore, SMT2 can provide a lower trading risk than SMT1.
  • SMT2 trading is optimized for a moving predicted exit price, i.e., every day limit order should be adjusted to a new target price.
  • SMT2 trading model suggests to sell at around Close if optimal holding period exceeded.
  • Optionally, SMT1 allows working with other symbols (except provided ones) using own historical data. However, SMT2 provides data and works exclusively with a group of selected ETF symbols.

SMT2 is provided with User’s Manual which helps to understand the general structure of the software, connections between functional modules, and how effectively utilize all software features. Downloading and installing SMT2 is very easy and explained step-by-step on download page. All retail traders are eligible for free fully-functional version during initial 30-day period.

Addaptron Software Releases New Stock Market Software SMT1

Addaptron Software announced a software release, SMT1 (Stock Market Tools, release 1), a new advanced software system for End-Of-Day (EOD) traders. One of new advantages is all-in-one output forecast signal. This signal (number) is the result of processing data by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Forecast Module. The set of data consists of technical indicators, waves prediction, pattern filter, and cycles extrapolation. Based on Machine learning results, AI decides how to interpret all relevant data and express the conclusion in a single number.

SMT1 is intended for EOD traders with intermediate or advanced knowledge in the Stock Market and computer software. The software consists of four major functionalities: Forecast, Backtest, Simulation, and Tracking. SMT1 is provided with User’s Manual which helps to understand the general structure of the software, connections between functional modules, and how effectively utilize all features.

The software uses EOD historical prices data as input. SMT1 includes a free Downloader that allows downloading EOD historical quotes files of selected symbols (some of most traded leveraged ETFs) from Addaptron Software server for free. Optionally, users can use own input data files. User’s Manual explains how to use own input files.

The main concept of the software is to work (i.e., predict, simulate and optimize trading performance) with the group of well-traded leveraged ETFs to maximize overall return. Each ETF has inverse counterpart and represents different industries that allows finding a potential winner every day. Although the software is suited to a specific niche, users can try to use own group of symbols.

Stock Market traders use different types of sell signal to exit position. Since exit signal cannot be reliable enough, some traders use stop loss and profit target to exit position. Addaptron Software has done numerous computer simulations to learn if adding more exit conditions can improve trading return. The research discovered that a better trading return in the long run can be achieved by using as many as four conditions for exit. This multi-trigger exit concept has been implemented in SMT1 as a new 4-Way Exit Method. This is another SMT1 advantage.

The software also includes an extra feature to record buy-sell transactions, analyze a current position, recommend the action, and measure trading performance. Since AI is able to optimize many settings parameters, the number of user-defined parameters is minimized so that users can save time.

Downloading and installing SMT1 is a very easy process and explained step-by-step on download page . All retail traders are eligible for free fully-functional version during initial 30-day period.

The example of SMT1 user interface: tab-page Simulation (back testing)
The example of SMT1 user interface: tab-page Simulation (back testing)

Pre-Release Announcement

Addaptron Software has been making steady progress with the development of the next generation of high quality software tools for investors/traders. Although there is still a lot of work ahead, Addaptron Software is getting ready to deliver a new software product, SMT-1 (Stock Market Tools, version 1.0). Its first (beta) release is scheduled for October-November 2018.

One of the achievements is all-in-one output forecast signal. This signal is combined from technical indicators, waves, and cycles data by Artificial Intelligence (AI) module. Also based on prediction accuracy, AI decides what time-frame signals to include. There are three types of output: (1) positive numbers for up trending symbols, (2) negative numbers for down trending ones, and (3) zero numbers for uncertain prediction (when AI is unable to provide a reliable prediction result).

In short, SMT-1 has the following benefits:

  • Its comprehensive AI forecast output is combined into a single list of ranked symbols. Such a simple concept enables most investors/traders to use the software easily.
  • Since AI is able to optimize many settings parameters, the number of user-defined parameters is minimized so that users can save time.
  • The software recommends entry/exit prices that allows users just to place a limit buy or limit sell order for the next market day.
  • The software has a back-test simulation functionality that allows users to try different trading strategies.
  • Except a calculated sell signal, the software has an ability to maximize trading profit by optimizing additional sell-trigger parameters.
  • The software includes an extra feature to analyze a current position, recommend the action, track buy-sell transactions, and measure trading performance.
A screenshot of SMT-1 alpha version, main interface
A screenshot of SMT-1 alpha version, main interface

The SMT-1 release will represent a leap forward in usability, functionality, performance and value for Addaptron Software product users. Visit our website addaptron.com at the end of 2018 to download a beta version of SMT-1 and take advantage of this huge upgrade and promotional deal.

New Stock Market Forecast Tools SMFT-2 Released

Addaptron Software released a new Stock Market Forecast Tools SMFT-2. It is an integrated advanced system that is the next generation improved software based on older SMFT-1 version and a few recent development projects.

New Stock Market Forecast Tools SMFT-2


Most prediction modules provided with back-test calculation to estimate the accuracy of forecast within the recent performance periods. Additionally, the back-testing computations play an important role if more than one method is used. It allows estimating a weight of each method in a composed result; the weights that are proportional to the ability of the methods to predict the price.

SMFT-2 currently includes five major modules:

  • TA Predictor – prediction for day or week period based on technical analysis, pattern recognition and Neural Networks (generates composite result). Back-analysis models optimization and batch calculation for comparative analysis included.
  • Waves – Elliott Wave model: back-test optimization, up to 10 waves forecast.
  • Cycles – prediction based on cycle analysis.
  • Week day – search for maximum performance using price behavior depending on week day. It allows discovering the best entry/exit days of week; batch calculation included.
  • Month day – search for maximum performance using price behavior depending on month day. It allows discovering the best entry/exit days of month; batch calculation included.

The implemented methods are statistically proven and widely used. All modules share the same EOD (end-of-day) input data. The software is provided with a free Downloader that allows downloading EOD historical quotes files from the Internet for free. A fully-functional software SMFT-2 during initial 30-day period is free. The software and associated documentation are delivered via download links over the Internet. For technical requirements, installation instruction, and download link, visit SMFT-2 download page.

Advanced Software System for Professional and Institutional Traders

Advanced Software System for Professional and Institutional Traders

After years of intensive development Addaptron Software has released Trading Decision Support System TraDeSS-1, advanced computer program for institutional traders and investors. It is a comprehensive and effective software to help finding the best trading opportunities, maximizing profitability using several predictive models with back-testing features, and optimizing algorithms by running simulations.

TraDeSS-1 is equipped with an advanced forecasting state-of-the-art system. The predicting can be done using nine forecast methods of different nature. Only one method, a combination of a few ones, or all together can be used. Each method is provided with back-test calculation to estimate the accuracy of forecast within the recent performance period. The back-testing computations play an important role if more than one method is selected. It allows assigning a weight to each method in a composed result; the weights are proportional to the ability of the methods to predict the price.

The comparative analysis of simulations shows that systems based on predicted entry-exit signals generate a better profit in around 70% cases than random-entry trading systems. As well as, it should be noted that a multi-model forecast provides a significant improvement over the best individual forecast. It can be explained by the existence of many different independent factors contributing to the error in each forecast which is normally distributed around an actual value.

Since sometimes predictions can fail, to preserve a capital amount in a volatile market, the software enables simulating different risk management approaches. Depending on the character of particular trading shares and the current market conditions some ideas can work better than others. To optimize the strategy in a particular case, the software enables testing different algorithm configurations and finding automatically the best ones. It is especially important for exit points to minimize losses (and ultimately maximize an overall profit). All optimizations can be done automatically by scanning 64 possible logical combinations and adjusting numerical parameters.

TraDeSS-1 has a functionality that allows estimating a hypothetical maximum possible profit in case of 100% accurate forecast. Although an actual forecast cannot be so accurate, this feature combined with comparative analysis enables discovering the best trading opportunities among different types of financial instruments. Calculating maximum theoretical return allows finding optimal buy and sell signals. Also it helps estimating a reasonable amount of initial investment at given transaction fee. Users can choose to re-invest each time a new or the same amount and see the difference in results.

The software has forward testing and assets management features. It allows monitoring the simulated or actual completed transactions, reflecting total trading activity, and evaluating the success of trading in overall. It enables working with many separate data files that is convenient in case of managing multiple assets and keeping the archives of older activities.

TraDeSS-1 has also a few independent tools, such as, technical indicators predictor, cycle analysis forecast, Neural Network (NN) forecast, fundamental 3-month rating model, etc. The detailed description is presented in User’s Manual (accessible from menu Help after downloading and installing the software).

S&P-500 Forecast for November 8-19, 2010

This week a stock market rally was driven mostly by news and may last more days ahead. Concerning technical analysis prediction, the chart below can give a clue of S&P-500 index forecast for the next two weeks of November, 2010. According to this forecast the uptrend may continue only 2-3 days and then it can reverse to downside.

S&P-500 Forecast for November 8-19, 2010

This forecast composed from many technical indicators with weights accordingly to the predictive ability of each indicator. It is a short-term (10 trading days) forecast using Neural Network. The used software tool is Investment Analyzer InvAn-4.